BA vs Parliament

In #BeFairBA, Coronavirus by GMB x54 Communications

We thought you would be interested in seeing the exchange that took place yesterday in Parliament.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was questioned about the BA situation by Huw Merryman, Chair of the Transport Select Committee.

Huw Merryman questions Boris Johnson on BA and the Job Retention Scheme. Clicking above will open YouTube to view the clip.

We believe that this is further proof that we are winning the argument with the country about BA’s actions.

If you have not already done so, please take time out to contact your MP bringing their attention to our situation. For details on your local MP click here


We have been contacted by members telling us that their managers are claiming that talks are taking place with the unions regarding the Different Future proposals.

We can confirm that this is not the case – and that the advice previously sent still stands.

Take care, Stay strong

Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer