Health & Safety
Health & Safety is something GMB takes very seriously. Our members work in an ever changing environment and our dedicated Health & Safety reps work tirelessly to ensure the workplace is safe and secure.
Everyone has a part to play in keeping themselves and others safe. If you have any safety concerns please attempt to fix or report the issue (keeping your safety as the priority at all times) and ensure others are also aware. Your H&S Reps conduct monthly inspections as well as feedback any issues on the Health & Safety Committee meetings.
For any on the day urgent safety matters that you are unable to sort yourself, please contact our duty rep on 07771522378, use our Issue Reporting Form or contact one of your local Health & Safety or Workplace Representatives.
Together we can make work safer.
Fault Report It!
If you notice anything that is faulty (such as equipment, furniture, doors etc), it is important to fault report the issue and make the area safe.
Contact your local fault reporting office (this will vary depending on location and type of issue). You will need any equipment badge numbers, location and fault issue (including any error codes etc). Once this is logged you will receive a fault reporting reference number.
With the reference number complete an Unserviceable Label (where available) or place a sign on the fault/issue with the date and time you reported it. This will help the team locate the issue and warn others of any potential dangers.
ACCIDENT OR potential occurrence
If you ever have an accident at work, get into a situation that could turn into an accident or deal with an incident with an abusive passenger, it is important this is registered and reported via AIR (previously eBASIS).
Any AIR reports should have as much information in them as possible, for example, location, team members present, event details, injury types, fault reports, investigation notes to name a few. In some areas, AIR reports should be raised via a Manager to ensure duty of care, but AIR reports can be raised by any staff number and must be completed at least 72 hours from the incident taking place.
AIR reports help your Health & Safety reps get a picture of trends and work out where improvements are needed.