British Airways has announced that it intends to cut up to 12,000 jobs; but the GMB will not stand by as BA use the current crisis to attack our members while alternative solutions remain on the table. The GMB and our sister trade union Unite stood shoulder to shoulder when BA attempted their first round of job cuts, we repeatedly …
Further Update (Update 23)
Dear Colleagues, As previously communicated to you, GMB are advising their members and reps not to engage via electronic interfaces with the management team at this time because it breaches the terms of the furlough, and could jeopardise the Consultation The validity of the proposed redundancies is in doubt when: a) staff are furloughed and this flies in the face of …
Advice To Members (Update 22)
Following discussions with Unite we have agreed the following position: We are advising members and reps not to engage via electronic interfaces with the management team because it breaches the terms of furlough. The validity of the proposed redundancies is in doubt when: a) staff are furloughed and this flies in the face of the principle of the governments JRS scheme b) it …
BA Announcement (Update 21)
Dear Colleague, By now you no doubt will have seen BAs announcement of proposals to drastically restructure the business. We are currently investigating the legality of BA’s actions and will provide you with further advice when this is available. All we can say at this stage is that BA appear to be trying to take advantage of a situation in …
Furlough Update (Update 20)
As promised in previous communications, we want to keep you up to date with the latest stage of the furlough process. We have met with the company earlier today and been advised of the next steps in regard to Furloughing. We hope that the following information will be useful for you, and give you an idea of what is …